Teacher and Students welfareBooks DonationBehavioral Capacity Development Dissemination of viable and durable informationC.O.R.E Skills For Teens S.M.A.R.T Coach and MentorEmpathy, Generosity, Solidarity, Integrity.

Teacher and Students welfareBooks DonationBehavioral Capacity Development Dissemination of viable and durable informationC.O.R.E Skills For Teens S.M.A.R.T Coach and MentorEmpathy, Generosity, Solidarity, Integrity.

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Proffering Guidance To Books That Engender Personal Development and Growth

Books Are The Food Of The Mind!

Books Are The Food Of The Mind!


The quality of a humans life is dependent on the information s/he is privy to.

It's an age long fact that good books have Transformative power and Knowledge elevates.

This platform was set up to enable people gain access to qualitative books that are bound to unleash the potential of greatness embedded in them.

Welcome on board a flight of hindsight, insight and foresight.

© 2024 Plant A Book Tree Foundation
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