Teacher and Students welfareBooks DonationBehavioral Capacity Development Dissemination of viable and durable informationC.O.R.E Skills For Teens S.M.A.R.T Coach and MentorEmpathy, Generosity, Solidarity, Integrity.

Teacher and Students welfareBooks DonationBehavioral Capacity Development Dissemination of viable and durable informationC.O.R.E Skills For Teens S.M.A.R.T Coach and MentorEmpathy, Generosity, Solidarity, Integrity.

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An excerpt Course Outline of C.O.R.E Skills For Teens 

This is basically a listing of what we teach teenagers in this program and and the chief objective of this program is character development and refinement for teenagers.

We creatively coined the word because of the sound it shares with "Curriculum" 

C.O.R.E Skills For Teens Level 1: Beginner(3 Months).

Module 1 : Communication Skills

(Intra-personal/Inter-personal Communication).


• Introduction to Intra personal communication.

• Identifying personal values and beliefs. • Understanding thought patterns and self talk.

• Journaling and reflection exercise.

• Understanding Communication styles and preferences.

• Active Listening and Empathy Skills. 

• Understanding and managing emotions.

• Practicing emotional intelligence in relationships, etc.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this section, teenagers will be able to:

✓ Develop Self-awareness and understand how intra-personal communication impacts on their decision making and performance. 

✓Develop skills for interpersonal communication including active listening, calm assertiveness, and conflict resolution.

✓Develop emotional intelligence and empathy skills to improve relationships and communication.

✓ Provide and receive effective feedback and criticism when necessary.

✓Build strong positive relationships.

✓ Develop coping skills and emotional resilience.

Module 2 : Collaboration Skills: 


• Introduction to collaboration and teamwork.

• Understanding individual strengths and roles.

• Building trust and respect in teams. 

• Managing Conflicts and disagreements. 

• Active Listening and clear expression of ideas.

• Brainstorming and generating solutions.

• Building a positive team culture, etc.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this section, teenagers will be able to:

✓ Understand the importance of collaboration and teamwork.

✓ Communicate effectively in teams.

✓ Manage conflicts and disagreements.

✓ Build strong relationships with team members.

✓ Apply collaboration skills in interpersonal real life settings.

✓ Develop Emotional Intelligence and Empathy.

Module 3: Critical Thinking Skills


• Introduction to Critical Thinking. 

• Identifying biases and assumptions. 

• Analyzing information and evidence. 

• Practicing objective thinking.

• Identifying and defining problems. 

• Generating and evaluating solutions. 

• Understanding decision-making models, etc.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this section, teenagers will be able to:

✓ Analyze information, identify biases, and evaluate evidence.

✓ Identify problems, generate solutions and implement effective solutions.

✓ Weigh options, Consider consequences and assess risk.

✓ Develop clear messaging, build persuasive arguments and expect counter arguments without feeling threatened.

✓ Encourage sharing of ideas and perspectives to generate innovative solutions.

✓ Understand and manage own emotions and those of others to build positive relationships.

C.O.R.E Skills For Teens Level 2: Intermediate (3 Months).

Module 4 : Organisational skills.


• Tidyness.

• Goal setting and planning.

• Action Plans.

• Time Management.

• Production.

• Execution, etc.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this section, teenagers will be able to:

✓ Embrace personal and environmental tidyness.

✓ Set and achieve goals.

✓ Manage time effectively.

✓ Organize physical and digital spaces.

✓ Overcome procrastination.

✓ Develop a growth mindset.

Module 5 : Ownership and accountability skills.


• Understanding Personal responsibility.

• Identifying areas for ownership.

• Setting ownership goals.

• Accountability plan(s).

• Practicing self reflection.

• Identifying excuses and procrastination patterns.

• Challenging limiting beliefs.

• Setting boundaries, etc.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this section teenagers will be able to:

✓ Take ownership of their actions.

✓ Set and achieve goals.

✓ Overcome excuses and procrastination.

✓ Take ownership of mistakes.

✓ Practice self reflection and awareness.

✓ Set healthy boundaries.

✓ Celebrate accomplishments.

Modules 6: Optimism Skills.


• Optimism and its benefits.

• Positive role models 

• Challenging limiting beliefs (2).

• Practicing gratitude.

• Understanding cognitive distortions.

• Positive affirmations practice.

• Building Resilience 

• Mindfulness and presence, etc.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this section, teenagers will be able to:

✓ Understand the benefits of optimism.

✓ Identify and challenge negative thoughts.

✓ Practice gratitude and positivity in tense situations.

✓ Improve mental health and well-being.

✓ Maintain a positive outlook always.

C.O.R.E Skills For Teens Level 3-Advanced(3 months).

Module 7 : Responsible-ness Skills.


• Keeping Promises and Commitments.

• Communicating effectively.

• Manners and Etiquette.

• Problem Solving and decision making.

• Impulse Control.

• Keeping the Buck 

• Creating a support network, etc.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this section, teenagers will be able to:

✓ Understand the importance of being responsible and responsibility.

✓ Keep promises, communicate effectively and take ownership of mistakes.

✓ Be accountable and reliable.

✓ Develop positive independence and self reliance.

✓ Improve relationships with parents, teachers and peers.

✓ Increase self confidence.

Module 8: Resilience Skills.


• Understanding resilience and its importance.

• Identifying strength zone and coping skills.

• Setting resilience goals and a carry-out plan.

• Understanding emotions and emotional regulation.

• Identifying emotional triggers.

• Practicing emotion management techniques.

• Understanding adversity and how to defeat it.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this section, teenagers will be able to:

✓ Understand the importance of resilience and its impact on mental health and accomplishment.

✓ Identify personal strengths and coping skills.

✓ Build healthy coping mechanisms and problem solving skills.

✓ Improved ability to cope with challenges and setbacks.

✓ Overcome adversity with a growth mindset and positivity.

✓ Overcome obstacles and persevere through challenges.

✓ Develop a stronger sense of self awareness and confidence.

Module 9: Resourcefulness Skills.


• Maximize productivity, minimize distractions.

• Practicing sustainability in daily life.

• Effective Study habits.

• The Place of research.

• Discover your potential.

• How to make the most of your talent.

• Mind mapping.

• Volunteering, etc.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this section, teenagers will be able to:

✓ Cultivate creativity and think outside the box.

✓ Become innovative.

✓ Identify needs and opportunities.

✓ Identify personal strengths and areas for improvement.

✓ Develop a hunger for relevant knowledge.

✓ Collaborate with others to achieve a common goal for Societal development.

✓ Learn to prioritize and manage basic resources like time, money and energy.

C.O.R.E Skills For Teens Level 4- Master(3 months).

Module 10: Excellence Mindedness Skills.


• Creating a Vision board.

• Setting excellence goals.

• The importance of discipline.

• Individuality.

• Grit and determination.

• Integrity.

• The Big Picture consciousness.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this section teenagers will be able to:

✓ Realize their uniqueness.

✓ Develop self discipline.

✓ Imbibe principles that engender fulfillment.

✓ Embrace continuous learning and improvement.

✓ Understand the growth mindset and its impact on attaining excellence in life and living.

Module 11: Entrepreneurship Skills.


• Understanding entrepreneurship and its benefits.

• Identifying passions and interests 

• Generating business ideas.

• Understanding market research and analysis.

•Creating a business plan.

• Building a brand identity.

• Understanding leadership, teamwork and task delegation, etc.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this section, teenagers will be able to:

✓ Understand the basics of entrepreneurship and its benefits.

✓ Develop a business idea and create a business plan.

✓ Conduct market research and analyze competition.

✓ Build a brand identity and develop a marketing strategy.

✓ Manage finances and make informed financial decisions.

✓ Lead and build a team.

✓ Develop essential skills for success in entrepreneurship.

Module 12: Exploring Interests Skills.


•Understanding the importance of interests.

• Identifying hobbies and passions.

• Exploring New interests and activities.

• Creating an interest inventory.

• Understanding career options and pathways.

• Identifying career interests and strengths.

• Turning interest into hobbies or career.

• Creating a passion project or business, etc.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this section, teenagers will be able to:

✓ Identify and explore their passions and interests.

✓ Understand career options and pathways.

✓ Pursue their passions and interests.

✓ Create a career vision board and skill development plan.

✓ Build a support network and stay motivated.

✓ Develop essential skills for success in their chosen field.

✓ Gain clarity and direction in their lives.

© 2024 Plant A Book Tree Foundation
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